Carrie Barron, M.D., is a board-certified psychiatrist, a Columbia-trained psychoanalyst and a certified Well-being Coach. She is an Associate Professor of Medical Education at Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin. After majoring in English at Princeton University, Carrie received her medical and psychiatric training at Tulane University School of Medicine where she was honored by being selected as chief resident. Carrie served on the faculty of the Columbia Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research for twenty years while conducting a private practice in Manhattan. For six years, she was the Director of Creativity for Resilience at Dell Medical School, a role that involved integrating arts, humanities and culture into psychological and physical health. Carrie is currently the President-elect of Austin Psychoanalytic, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Psychopathy Is and a co-creator of the Mobilizing Character Course for the Kern National Network for Flourishing in Medicine.
In addition to her book The Creativity Cure, Carrie has published in peer-reviewed journals and books and won academic awards for scholarship, research, writing and clinical work. She has created workshops, keynotes and classes on psychological and emotional well-being for faculty, trainees and communities across the country and in Canada. Podcasts, radio shows, magazines and television programs have featured her work. Carrie's blog on Psychology Today has had almost five million readers.

Anxiety, depression, creativity, relationships, identity diffusion, motherhood, work inhibition, and separation from a narcissistic or psychopathic loved one.

While no one can inhabit the inner life of another person, I will try to understand you as clearly as I can. Psychotherapy can be helpful for intelligent, curious people who relish in-depth exploration, reflection, insight and problem-solving. ​​Addressing deeper conflicts and developing greater self-awareness relieves angst and allows your innate vitality to emerge. Treatments are tailored to individuals and may include learning new behaviors, thoughts or activities. We will explore the social, cultural and physical factors that inform your life, both in the present and from your past, to understand their impact on how you are feeling and doing now. We will work together to expand your capacity to love, work, relate, create, and relax.
Board Certified Psychiatrist (Grace Caroline Barron 1995- present)
Princeton University, AB English 1981
Tulane University School of Medicine, MD and Residency 1989, 1993
Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research , 2001
Columbia University Assistant Clinical Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry 2001-2019
Dell Medical School, UT Austin, Director of Creativity for Resilience 2016-2022
Dell Medical School Associate Professor of Medical Education, 2020-present
Austin Psychoanalytic President-elect
Psychopathy Is Board of Directors
Kern National Network for Flourishing in Medicine Course Developer and Teacher
College of Executive Coaching, Positive Psychology and Well-being Certified Coach 2018
Psychology Today Blogger ( 4,946,267 Readers)
Bick Award for the Outstanding Psychiatry Student
Lancaster Award for the Most Caring Graduating Resident
Alexander Beller Award for Significant Scholarly Study, Columbia University.
Faculty Fellow Award, Humanities Institute, University of Texas at Austin
Hektoen International Journal of Humanities Grand Prize Winner

The Creativity Cure helps readers uncover creativity capacities though deepening self-knowledge. While a permanent state of happiness is not possible or even desirable, most people can achieve a greater frequency of peak moments.

You can't argue with a delusion. But you can look out for yourself.